Brotherly bonding


Set up in Aroma, on the oceanside cliffs, a tournament arena, and a practical village of temporary homes and stores have been set up. Merchants from all over the continent will be selling wares.
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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:40 am

It had been a long while since Yozei and Takeshi were able to spend some quality time with one another. Throughout the war Yozei had only been able to come home to Konoha a handful of times and never for more than a week. Though the brothers looked quite different from one another they both appreciated some of the finer things in life and liked to dress nicely more often than not.

Yozei, a grown 20 year old man now wore a white hakama and a red haori with gold trim. His red hair came down to the top of his shoulder and was tied back in a ponytail. At his hip was his daisho, a twin set of Katana, one in a red and gold sheath the other black and silver. His cerulean blue eyes seemed calm as he kept attentive of the crowds and walked the streets of Aroma country.

To his left walked his younger brother, the 12 year old Takeshi had only just graduated the academy alongside his twin sister Kaori, who was currently off spending some time with their older sister Hanako. Takeshi's raven black hair came down nearly to his mid-back, similarly tied back though he left enough bangs to cover his forehead and two long locks that framed his face coming down to his chest. Dressed in a full Kimono, white with black trim his attire and white eyes with a faint lavender hue made it apparent that he was a member of the Hyuuga clan. At his hip he carried a quiver of arrows and across his back a half size bow.

Each brother wore a black fabric forehead protector engraved with the Konoha symbol. Despite both appearing more like samurai, they were in fact shinobi. Each with quite a bit of talent and potential, though as sons of the 17th Hokage that was hardly surprising. "So, which match has been your favorite so far?" Yozei inquired. It felt rather nice not to be competing, though he was somewhat dissapointed that he likely wouldn't get to watch his brother compete in his Chunin exams when the time fid eventually come. He hadn't told him yet but he was planning on moving away to some of the new territories of Fire country, it was time he accepted more responsibility as a nobleman and put less focus on the life of a shinobi.

"The team challenge against that prisoner was interesting, I didn't expect to see such good teamwork from that group" he commented, to which Yozei nodded. "Yeah, that new clan seems promising" he considered, it was the first time he had seen an Ibakuro in action, Aiya seemed to represent the new addition to Konoha rather well. Takeshi looked up at his brother with admiration, "None of these matches compare to your fight against Kiyori-sama though, but you did make Kaori cry" he commented. As much of a marvel as it had been to see his brother fight the Kazekage back then, it was also rather hard to watch given that she was also a close family friend. He didn't want to admit it but he had been scared for them both as well. "I know" Yozei said softly, rustling the little Hyuuga's hair. "I saw a few tears from you as well" he teased with a gentle laugh.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by TyDie » Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:29 pm

Aiya's time spent in Arora country had already been incredibly eventful. In only a short period of time, she had fought against a Suna ninja, fought alongside a Kumo ninja, and met two Kiri shinobi outside of the ring... one of which had poisoned her with her own venom. So, at the very least, this entire event was incredibly informative for her, and showed her that there was still a lot to learn about being a shinobi. Having spent a good amount of time practicing, Aiya was happy to go and see the sights of the village now, taking in all of the attractions and merchants peddling their wares. It was fascinating how such an event, one made entirely for shinobi, brought together so many people from so many different walks of life.

Being a participant, she felt it only right to wear her ninja attire during her stay, her red tunic worn beneath her crop top and her various weapons dangling off her body in their respective areas. And of course, sewn into her Tunic, the emblem of Konohagakure was displayed proudly along her stomach. She walked along the streets, using her staff as a walking stick, her eyes searching the streets for anything of interest. But the last thing she expected was another couple of Konoha shinobi who looked more like nobles then ninja. She didn't recognize either of them personally, but the younger one was definitely a Hyuuga. She'd recognize those eyes anywhere. It was after she overheard them talking about the fight against Proximus, and Yozei's encounter with the current Kazekage, that she pushed her way into the conversation.

"Leadership isn't exactly a "clan quality", but I like to think I handled myself okay, hehe." The girl waved a hand at the pair, tilting her head with a big smile. "Sorry, I couldn't help but butt in, with you talking about one of my fights and all. Plus, you guys are from home! Feels nice to speak to another Konoha shinobi, I haven't seen many of our people... except for that Senju in our fight against the iron giant." The fight against Proximus was grueling, but it provided her with a lot of information about her own weaknesses and how to better adapt to such a defensive fighting style. Plus, she had ideas for how to implement such a solid defense into her own fighting style now, and that would no doubt prove useful if she could figure out how to use shields like that before the next round of the tournament.

"So, I don't think I need to give my name, since you guys were watching the fights and all. But, for the sake of manners, I'm Ibakuro Aiya. Who might you two be, and what brings you to the tournament? More importantly, why haven't I seen you fighting, buddy?" The last question was clearly directed at Takeshi; the boy was clearly a genin like herself, so she was shocked he wasn't participating in these events too. Was he still fresh?
Active Characters
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Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
Kumogakure no SatoJinrai ShizuneGenin[color=#de2c9b][/color]

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:28 pm

Yozei smirked as he noticed the girl they had just been talking about as they rounded a corner. “Well look who it is” he noted. Up close he could better discern her clan’s unique eyes, that vibrant green. For a Genin she also seemed rather tall, nearly the same height as himself. “A pleasure to meet you” he responded with a courteous wave of his own, they were at a bit of an awkward distance to reach for a handshake and a bow seemed a bit too formal, especially given that she was younger than him and a lower rank. Takeshi looked the girl over, wondering how he would fair against her in a fight. She seemed a bit more advanced than him but that was of course expected given that she was participating in the exams. Still, there were others he had observed that even as inexperienced as he was, he felt confident he could defeat. “You performed very well” he said with a slight smile. He was eager to work hard and become a Chunin himself and seeing the level of some of the competition he wondered if he actually could have been promoted fresh out of the academy.

The auburn-haired man now decided to bow his head slightly when she introduced herself properly. “I’m Natsuki Yozei, this is my little brother” he gestured while trying to keep his face neutral. Sometimes it was hard for people to wrap their heads around but surely most Konoha shinobi would recognize his last name and know that the Hokage had married a Hyuuga, who was a famous Bannin in her own right. Takeshi bowed his head slightly as well, though notably deeper than Yozei had. “Hyuuga Takeshi” he was about to say something before being asked why he wasn’t competing to which he got slightly flustered. “Oh, I just graduated a few weeks ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the competition. I did think about registering...but I felt that might have been a bit too ambitious” he managed to get out, somewhat awkwardly. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a little bit intimidated by the girl, perhaps it was her height or knowing what she could transform into.

The Special Jounin chuckled lightly, he had never considered his little brother to be a particularly shy or awkward person, though he supposed he did normally spend most of his time with Kaori who was the more outgoing and sociable of the two. He would have to learn to stand on his own now though, it seemed unlikely that they would be placed on the same squad. “The Ibakuro are quite a new clan, aren’t they? I don’t recall them being documented at all when I went through the academy. How was it joining Konoha?” he wondered. “Ibakuro Yosuke started the clan, didn’t he?” Takeshi chimed in, he had a vague understanding of the progression of their clan but didn’t want to make any false assumptions. Turning to look to Yozei he added, “He’s the one that recovered that set of eyes for Hanako” he said in a soft tone. Suddenly something clicked in Yozei’s head, “Ahh, that’s right. I thought that name sounded familiar” he recalled. It was rather surprising that he even remembered that considering the twins were only toddlers at the time though he supposed it made sense that he would have talked to their sister about such things considering they were both Hyuuga.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by TyDie » Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:36 pm

Aiya happily held up her index and middle finger in the shape of a "V", indicating her victory against Akihiro and her valiant stand against Proximus, the prisoner giant. "Hehe, thank you. I try not to get a big ego, but I'm also not going to pretend that I wasn't successful. I mean, my fight against Akihiro, the Suna ninja, was a little one sided if I'm being honest. However, our fight against the Iron Giant was far more challenging. We knew going into it that winning was almost impossible, but for our skill level I think we left that guy with a good number of scars, hehe." She was pleased overall with her fight against Proximus; they may not have won, But Aiya displayed a clear penchant for leadership and strategy, as well as bravery by playing the role of 'bait' more than once and giving her partners a chance to get a few good hits in. She hoped that that would go a step towards proving she was ready for her rank up.

As the older man introduced himself and made clear they were brothers, everything clicked for Aiya and she snapped her fingers in realization. "Oh, you're that Natsuki! Like, 'children of Hokage Takeo-sama' Natsuki! Wow, you guys are like, celebrities to us common folk. It's an honor!" Now she definitely felt the need to give a proper, respectful bow. It wasn't every day you got to meet the children of the seventeenth and current Hokage, not to mention their mother was one of the most powerful Hyuuga to ever grace the clan, despite her rebellion against their social norms. Takeshi's comment about staying out of the competition for now made sense to Aiya; she was skeptical herself when she entered, and she wasn't exactly green. "Hey, there's no rush Takeshi. With family like you've got, you'll be a Chuunin yourself in no time. But only you'll know when you're ready, and rushing it might only delay you in the end. Better to be cautious as a newly appointed shinobi, y'know?"

The topic shifted to her clan's history, or rather the lack thereof, but she was surprised they knew so much about her people. Her eyes widened with shock as they mentioned a story that, truth be told, she thought was merely a rumor. "Wait, Yosuke-sama actually did that? Ha, all this time I thought that was a story! That's incredible!" Aiya couldn't believe the head of her clan actually did something so wondrous as to grant a blind Hyuuga sight again. They'd all heard the story at one point or another, Yosuke's history was pretty well known among the Ibakuro clan, but to hear confirmation... "Hanako... I'd love to meet her some day. Oh, my clan, right."

She realized she had skipped over Yozei's question about her clan, and was quick to backpedal and address it with a quick clear of her throat. "Yeah, our clan isn't even a decade old yet. It was only given birth after Yosuke-sama, Takeo-sama and Aina-sama went out and defeated the vicious spider queen, the spirit that had enslaved our progenitor to it's will. With it's death, the bloodline of the Ibakuro was allowed to thrive without fear of being controlled by the evil spirit, and Yosuke's children became the first true members of the clan. Norisuke and Noriko are both amazing people. But, our clan is rapidly growing, due to our rapid aging as infants and the deal that Yosuke worked out with your father, allowing others to become one with the clan through means of genetic splicing. Believe me, we'll become a fairly large clan within a decade or so." She gave a little wink as she chuckled, the rapid growth of the Ibakuro clan was sure to make even long lived clans like the Hyuuga jealous.

"Oh, what about the rest of your family Takeshi? Is your father and mother with us here too? I hadn't heard the Hokage was coming, but then again, he seems to be a bit of a free spirit sometimes according to reputation!"
Active Characters
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Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
Kumogakure no SatoJinrai ShizuneGenin[color=#de2c9b][/color]

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Fri Jul 30, 2021 10:24 pm

Yozei nodded in agreement, that man, Proximus was incredibly physically capable. “As a Genin I don’t think I could have done any better” he admitted honestly, perhaps his Doton techniques could have given him a bit of an edge when it came to surprise though his ability to get past his shields would have been quite limited back then. Now, of course he was fully confident that he could defeat the man rather easily in single combat. So long as he could keep his distance, which against the defense-oriented fighter would have been a simple task. Takeshi seemed to gain some confidence as he considered how he would have fought the man. “I think we would have made a good team Aiya, we can each fight at long or close range and build well off others. Maybe we’ll get the chance to train together sometime.” He chimed in, his voice was gentle and kind but there was a certain confidence he carried despite his humble demeanor.

Takeshi blushed slightly at being called a celebrity, he didn’t feel that way at all and certainly didn’t crave the recognition. One day he would earn his way up the ranks and become an important figure within the Hyuuga clan but for everyone else he just wanted to be treated equally. Yozei on the other hand chuckled lightly, “Please, we’re just shinobi like anyone else though we do have some good training opportunities. It helps when most of our family are Bannin” he joked, even if it wasn’t by blood he considered Yoru and Masami family all the same. Of course, aside from better training partners they were also quite wealthy, Yozei especially so, though aside from his choice in clothing he tried not to flaunt it or act superior but it did become obvious on occasion the type of lifestyle he was brought up on. “Yes, please treat us like anyone else” Takeshi agreed, he nodded slowly, considering his decision to wait on the Chunin exam. “My dad told me he failed his first attempt at Chunin, but I’d still rather pass, and I want my sister, Kaori to advance with me” he admitted. It was still hard to think about being on a separate team from her, he had been working so hard to not grow apart from her the more he embraced the Hyuuga ways, it was a means to an end for him and Kaori helped remind him of who he really was and wanted to be.

It was surprising to them both that Aiya didn’t know for certain what Yosuke had done. “Yeah, Hanako was blind when I met her. Yosuke-sama changed her world. I don’t think I ever met him honestly but our whole family is very grateful." The brothers both listened with a combination of fascination and information overload as the young girl went on to drop a number of shocking revelations. Takeo and Aina rarely talked specifics about their missions, probably a combination of not wanting to worry their children, not being able to share certain secrets and simply being used to fighting all myriad of creatures that it simply stopped seeming out of the ordinary. But neither of them had heard about a Spider Queen in control of Yosuke, it seemed quite a concerning threat to Konoha given that the creature was evidently hostile in the end. And then there was rapid aging and genetic splicing, no doubt Saigo was involved there. The man had performed the operation on Hanako and even delivered Takeshi and Kaori, he too was someone the family owed a great deal to and surely would be trusted with a number of village secrets and experiments. “Wow, that’s a lot of information. A spider queen, eh? And wait, you must be quite young then really?” Yozei considered as his mind put together various bits and pieces of what she said.

Takeshi on the other hand frowned slightly, wondering just how clan dynamics would change with such aggressive growth. Would it cause greater tensions? He knew the Hyuuga elders could be rather discriminatory against newer clans and those that were deemed to be lesser than them. He hoped it wouldn’t lead to any hostilities or political backlash. “I hope the rest of your family is as friendly as you are and may mine grow to be more accepting of change” he stated with a simple, hopeful smile. In truth he was worried, but that was all the more reason to train hard and elevate himself to a position where he could make a difference while still trying to maintain peace and balance. He nodded when asked about the rest of his family. “Hanako and Kaori are spending some time together around here somewhere and my parents are probably back at the hot springs” he surmised, they had branched off into three groups for the day, each set enjoying some quality time with each other, though he didn’t want to think too long on what that likely meant for his parents in particular. At the mention of his father's reputation, Yozei grew quiet, there were many things he disagreed with his father on and the types of rumors that tended to follow Takeo didn’t win him any points with his eldest son.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:17 pm

After Noeru was released from the hospital, he was told that he should take the next couple of days easy if he wanted to fully recover from the damage he suffered during his team bout. So, he took a casual stroll to his hotel room where he was going to relax, probably with a book or some meditation to help him ease his thought and maybe even take them off the pain he was still experiencing. The cast covered the upper section of his body, restricting his neck movement. Fighting like this was not an option, it seemed he would have to take his doctors advice and take it easy for a while.

The hotel he was staying in was plain, boring, it offered no form of entertainment whatsoever. Meditation only seemed to make the pain worse as clearing his mind only placed greater emphasis on his damaged body. He let out a sigh while uncrossing his legs and standing up to view his reflection in the mirror attached to his wardrobe. The bruising on his face was clearly visible, it outreached the cast by an easy margin, which made the youth wonder how damaged he really was. The bruising must have been intense, as the doctor said he had suffered a mild concussion, and that he should have been glad that the battle ended when it did, otherwise the repercussions would have been much more sever. He said in his chair, slowly moving his right arm onto the table and resting it. His left hand moved towards his pocket, and he pulled out a little bottle of medicine prescribed to him by the doctor. Clear glass bottle with a thin tubular cork lid. He shook it and watched the small black pills bounce around making clinging noises, then using his thumb and index finger, popped the bottle open, and poured its contents into his mouth. Overdosing was not his idea of quickly curing himself, but apparently all the pills did was they simply accelerated his bodies healing prowess. A swig of water from the glass helped him swallow the stale tasting pills. What followed was a few minutes of sitting there, staring into the growing abyss created by the effects of the pills, before he conked out and fell to the floor, shaking violently.

That was the last thing he remembered when he woke up the following morning, still on the floor. He rolled onto his side and looked around the room, it looked like a tornado had been through it. The furniture was on its sides, the mirror had a crack on it from where the chair was kicked and struck it. The area where he was led was soaked with what seemed was perspiration. Gently, he stood up and walked over to the cracked mirror and looked in it. The bruising from his face has faded slightly, but the amazing thing was the pain he was feeling before had gone. Great result. Not achieved through the two pills a day that the doctor suggested, but it worked all the same.

He slowly took off his clothes and put on his usual ninja attire. His mobility had returned to him, although he still felt a little fragile, like he could not push his body like he normally could. But, he decided this was not going to prevent him from enjoying the few days he had before the next stage of the tournament begins. Using normal means to leave his hotel was not an option, and so he swung the window wide open, and began sliding down the face of it by adjusting his chakra flow to his feet. A gentle hop followed before he reached the ground. Two feet planted firmly on the ground with a gentle thud, and he began walking towards the busy streets of this town.

A couple of hundred meters down the road, he spotted a familiar silhouette. 'Eyy-up, spidey-girl.' The youth let out, with a smirk that followed under his partially hidden, and bruised face.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by TyDie » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:46 pm

Aiya grinned at Takeshi as he mentioned training with her some day, and she would extend a hand to the Hyuuga in response, hoping for a shake. "Of course! Training, missions, I'm happy to work with you anytime Takeshi. I'm sure there's a lot we could learn from one another... After all, I noticed that bow you've got there." She smirked as she reached behind her and removed her own wooden bow, twirling it a few times before putting it away again. "Definitely things we could learn from each other." She looked forward to having a chance to learn alongside the young Hyuuga, and to impart what little wisdom she had gathered herself to the shinobi. After all, that was a big part of Konoha's mentality; to hand teachings and skills to each other and strengthen the whole of the village.

She nodded in understanding as the two made clear they didn't want to be recognized as famous, and she held up a thumbs up in response. "Hey, can do guys. I've garnered a little fame here apparently, I've been recognized more than once by people I've never met. I mean, that'll likely die down after this event is over, but in the meantime it's a strange feeling. I don't know if I'd be okay with it happening all the time, and I'm sure it happens to you two at least a few times here and there. You want normal, I'll treat you normal." She had no problem complying with the request; after getting only a taste of fame from her time here in Aroma Country, she could already tell she'd get tired of it fast. And she didn't want to make Yozei or Takeshi exhausted by doting on them as celebrities if that's not what they wanted.

Yozei mentioned her age for a moment, and Aiya simply grinned at the boy in response. "Hehe, well how old do you think I am, Yozei? I mean, I'm 5'9, much taller than most genin girls. And I'm clearly not a very young child. But y'know, no one seems to believe me when I tell them I'm technically a little under three years old." She had to admit, the shock on people's face when she informed them of her *technical* age was always good for a laugh or two from her. And after that laughter passed, she'd elaborate a little to put them at ease. "We Ibakuro treat every month as one 'year' of growth, up until the day we drink the Concoction of Life; a serum that Saigo prepared for our clan. Once we drink it, our aging slows to normal, and we consider our age as whatever would be normal for the amount of months we lived up until that point. In my case, I drank it when I was 12, and i'm almost 14 now, so yeah... about three years of life technically."

Finally, Takeshi mentioned his own clan for a moment, hoping that they could come to accept change, and Aiya sighed in response. "I'd imagine the Hyuuga are one of the most opposed to our rapid growth as a clan. If I'm being honest, I kind of get it. We sort of sprang up overnight in comparison to the hundreds of years of growth your people have been through, Takeshi. I'd imagine there's some disapproval there, maybe even envy. But I agree with you; I just want all of our people to get along. There's no sense being divided amongst ourselves, we're all Konoha citizens. We should all be kind to one another, even if our ways of life aren't the same." For such a young girl, her opinion of clan politics seemed remarkably well formed. But perhaps that too was part of her naivety; the belief that everyone could be friends if they'd just leave others to life their lives how they wanted to.

Then the newcomer would break into the conversation, likely catching at least some of what had already been said between Aiya, Takeshi and Yozei. Turning to face the new voice, a beat up looking Senju greeted her, one she recognized immediately from their team challenge. "How's it going Noeru? You look... better than you did, I'll say that, heh." For Aiya, she had managed to get out of that fight without too much serious damage, thanks largely in part to her armor and defensive acrobatics. But she had passed out before Noeru's beating, she hadn't realized how bad he got it until later. Compared to seeing him in the hospital, this was a large improvement. "Glad to see you out and about, what have you been up to since our bout with the Iron Giant? That's what i'm calling him anyway, haha."
Active Characters
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Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
Kumogakure no SatoJinrai ShizuneGenin[color=#de2c9b][/color]

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Mon Aug 02, 2021 9:16 pm

Takeshi shook the girl’s hand when offered. He had been taught by his father to appreciate the value of a good firm handshake. Despite his somewhat shy demeanor he gripped her hand strongly but not enough to have the intention of hurting her. Instead, slowly increasing pressure so that she would match him, and he could determine they were roughly similar in strength, assuming she wasn’t holding back. Despite his proper appearance his hands, especially his draw fingers were rough with callouses from an active lifestyle and many hours of practice. “I would like that. Archery is getting more popular lately but it's still not very common” he said, looking forward to practicing with someone who had at least one similar interest.

Yozei smiled warmly as Aiya spoke of her own growing fame, “Fortunately, most only recognize my last name when I give it, though I did experience some popularity during the last tournament I competed in” he stated simply, letting the conversation die out. He truly didn’t care for fame; it was only a liability to someone with as many connections as he had. He had already been kidnapped more than once and was frequently a target by those that did learn his identity. As powerful as he was, there was always an opportunity to take advantage of his status and catch him off guard or otherwise find ways to exploit him. If she hadn’t been a Konoha shinobi in fact, he likely would have made up a fake last name. When asked about her age he scratched his head nervously, “Oh, surely you look at least fifteen” he stated, trying to keep within a safe range of guessing. His eyes widened as she stated she was only about 3 years old. He couldn’t even rationalize how she could be so advanced simply in terms of intelligence and combat ability, as well as adapting to such a rapidly aging body. “That’s…almost unbelievable” he stated in shock. Even Takeshi seemed fascinated and concerned at such an ability to rapidly age. The brothers listened with mixed reactions as she explained the process in more detail. “I can’t decide if that is incredibly hectic or convenient for your parents” Yozei concluded with a gentle laugh. Takeshi on the other hand frowned in contemplation, “You’re right, your clan will grow very quickly” he stated in a neutral tone. He was cautiously optimistic about such growth; it could prove an invaluable addition to Konoha or a destabilizing factor. Though despite Yozei’s warm demeanor, he too could see potential problems and benefits. For him though, he resigned himself to thinking those would be left in the hands of his father and his brother to handle, for he would have his own trials to face away from Konoha.

At Aiya’s words of assurance, Takeshi visibly relaxed somewhat, for such a young boy he thought deeply about how he could help maintain balance and order in Konoha. His father had been Hokage his entire life, his mother talked about her desire to change the Hyuuga clan but felt she would never be accepted to the point of becoming clan leader in order to make those changes. From the age of 6, Takeshi had decided that he would take it upon himself to fulfill his mothers' dream, to follow the example of his parents and make a difference through achieving power. He talked to his father, mother and brother often, learning all that he could in order to better understand how all the parts fit together, what Konoha really was behind the scenes. There was still a lot more to learn but he believed he was capable of achieving his goals. “Power and control. Order and tradition. That’s what seems to matter to the Hyuuga. It will take time to become more accepting, I hope I can change some minds” he admitted with a genuine, if a little reluctant smile. He wasn’t as naïve as most his age but there were still many layers of complexity beyond him. The Hyuuga tolerated his existence currently but to say they accepted him would be a massive exaggeration of the truth.

Yozei smiled at the newcomer, “Yozei. This is Takeshi” he introduced, both himself and his brother. He didn’t feel inclined to go through the motions of explaining who they were again. Hopefully, the Senju would be content with their first names and at least for Takeshi it was obvious he was a Hyuuga. He recognized the Senju from the match as well, he performed some interesting jutsu and certainly, the Senju clan were Yozei’s personal favorite, having formed a good comradery with Senju Toshiaki, his fathers former Sensei who had traveled with Yozei on a visit to Sunagakure years ago.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:44 am

Noeru offered the group a gentel wave as he approached. From the distance he could make out some of the conversation. Aiya and the Hyuuga seemed to be talking to each other about clan politics. A topic that was rather a disappointing one to Noeru. Politics tend to bleed the fun out any conversations, and was not the topic Noeru delved into on casual occasions. Not due to lack of political knowledge, as Senju politics usually were very intense themselves, but due to the differing opinions which could cause disagreement among the participants and lead to a disaster.

A Chuckle preceded a response to Aiya as the girl commented on Noeru's better appearance. 'Ha... Yeah I took all the meds the doctor prescribed in one go. Probably wasn't a good idea, but I wanted to recover quicker.' The youths gaze then moved towards the pair who shared a few similarities in terms of physical appearance other than their similar styles of fashion. Their voices had a hint of similarity, leading the youth to thinking there might be some sort of relation between them. However, pursuing a topic regarding ancestry lead only to boring conversation, resulting in the youth steering away from it. Chuunin exmas seemed to be on every ones mind at the moment, and Hyuuga Takeshi was not a name he noted when viewing the tournament layout.

'Nice to meet you both, I'm Senju Noeru.' The youth spoke as his gaze shifted between the two, eventually landing on the younger. 'Hyuuga Takeshi, I don't think I saw your name on the list, are you not participating?'
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by TyDie » Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:00 pm

Aiya's eyes brightened as Takeshi made clear that he didn't share the exact same mindset as his clan did, which meant perhaps one day there could be a change in the way the Hyuuga saw the rest of the village clans. "Hey, it only takes one spark to start a fire. I'll be the fan, you set your clan ablaze with some fresh thinking and new ideas. Sound good?" Aiya would extend a hand to the young Hyuuga, happy to have found someone from the Hyuuga clan that didn't look down on her for the nature of her clan. "There will be naysayers of course, but I think we can scare them into understanding." She'd punctuate with a wink, then turn her attention back to Noeru with a big of shock.

"Jeez, you took all of them? I'm surprised you're still breathing! I took one and tossed the rest, I wasn't that badly injured and I didn't want to be all hopped up on pain killers while I trained. That's a horrible combination, haha." Taking a whole bottle of pills designed to help along with the healing process probably wasn't the smartest idea. Noeru's body wouldn't like that in the future, of that Aiya was certain, but he was much more badly hurt than the rest of them... that was certain. Desu had some kind of healing property and Ico had only a few broken bones, same as Aiya. Noeru looked like he got hit with a sledgehammer a few times... in fact, compared to Proximus's shields, a sledgehammer probably would've felt good.

She had to fight the urge to answer the question on Takeshi's behalf, but she already knew the answer to Noeru's question about Takeshi taking part in the exams. "These exams are a lot tougher than I imagined they would be, if i'm being honest. Akihiro put up a good fight, and some of the other competitors are truly sights to behold. Here's hoping I can get pit up against a fellow Konoha shinobi next... Maybe even you, Noeru." Aiya winked at the boy, reaching for her staff from behind her and planting it in the ground to lean on for some comfort, cocking her hip out slightly as she did so. It was nice to be able to rest easy around comrades from Konoha; among all these other shinobi from different villages, she had to say that so far she was feeling a bit out of place. This was helping tremendously with that feeling.
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Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sat Aug 28, 2021 3:14 pm

Takeshi smiled warmly, he felt hopeful. “That would be wonderful Aiya, we’ll grow together and keep our clans and the village strong and unified” he stated with deep conviction. He took her hand again and this time cupped it with his other hand as well, sealing a pact that he would not soon forget. Where initially he had been wary of this girl, he quickly found himself growing to like her and see her as a potential lifelong ally and friend. He let her hand go, blushing lightly at the thought of the two of them teaming up to intimidate their elders. “I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if that’s what it takes” he muttered quietly. He was happy for the distraction of the Senju boy, quickly realizing that he wasn’t the smartest person, but he could at least lighten the mood from talk of politics and ambitions.

Yozei watched the interaction, wondering if his little brother might have discovered his first crush, or perhaps he was just happy to have found someone with similar ambitions despite their youth. However, at the Senju’s talk of potentially overdosing the young adult of the group had to interject. “That’s not something you should take lightly, both of you! Konoha’s medical practices are among the best in the world, you should heed the advice of your doctors and nurses” the young nobleman insisted. It was insulting to disrespect authority and expertise. The Special Jounin sighed, he felt obligated to drag Noeru back to the doctors immediately though he supposed he could at least watch him closely for any signs of overdose or adverse side effects.

Takeshi bowed his head slightly as the boy introduced himself, “Nice to meet you” he repeated. The Senju were of course a powerful and influential family, there was no telling who Noeru might be related to. “No, I’m not. I don’t have the experience to go for Chunin yet, but maybe next year I’ll be ready. Hopefully this event is a success, and we’ll see more like it” he answered calmly. Yozei chuckled at Aiya’s desire to fight Noeru. “You’re not fighting anyone until you get some proper rest and stop being so reckless with your medicine” the twenty-year-old insisted, still quite concerned for Noeru’s wellbeing. He wasn’t going to be around in Konoha for much longer, at least not for a while but that didn’t mean he didn’t still carry the will of fire with him. Every shinobi of Konoha was important to him, a life to be cherished and protected. “Let’s at least get some good food in you, my treat. For you too Aiya. We need to keep our participants strong and healthy” Yozei offered. He would let them make their own suggestions for what they felt like, he was planning on getting some lunch with Takeshi anyway and food was always more enjoyable with company, there was never such a thing as too many guests and new friends.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:27 am

Noeru listened to the conversation between Aiya and Takeshi who were talking about the inter-clan relationships. He himself very rarely got involved with the politics of it all. Knowing full well that eventually the time would come to begin dealing with all the formalities of the clan, he decided to spend his childhood with enjoyment that life of a young teenager had to offer. As so, when Aiya commented on his aggressive use of medicine, he let out a loud chuckle, he knew what he did was silly, but he could not stand waiting for so long to recover, and now he felt like he was not far off from being back to his normal self, although that might just be the numbing effects of the drugs.

'Was that all they gave you?' Noeru said with a tone of surprise in his voice, up until not he had not really thought about what had happened in that fight, but now he was beginning to remember all the events in sequence, and the fact that Aiya barely took any damage due to her skill. As he remembered, a smirk of excitement appeared on his face as he eyed Aiya, he was looking forward to one day fighting against her, whether it was here in the arena or somewhere else as a rival, at another time.

His gaze fell onto the older of the two individuals he had just met, about his intense concern about his and Aiyas well-being. He let out another chuckle at his words at the risk of coming across as rude, but he hoped to recover with, 'Meh... I'm Senju.' and brought his fist up to his chest and poked at his chest twice with some ferocity. However, internally he had acknowledged what the Yozei had said, he knew that he risked a lot by taking them all, but thanks to his Senju blood, he assumed, his body could take a great lot of pressure. Whether this was due to something completely different, he did not know, just that he was here, feeling a lot better than before.

After the little display of masculinity, it was time to live up to the noble name of the Senju. The bow performed by Takeshi was returned by Noeru almost simultaneously. He straightened his back and listened to what the youth had to say, he agreed with both of them. These exams were much harder than he had expected, with the shinobi from the different villages being a lot stronger than he believed. This was a welcomed surprise however, if the other participants were weak, this would be no fun at all. He was even more surprised by the last thing that Aiya had said. Wanting to fight him. It appeared that she had read his earlier smirk in the right way, or she had already wanted to fight him before, making the energy within him burn even hotter. But, contrary to his wants, he threw up his hand in a defensive fashion and pivoted backwards by taking a small step back and placing his weight onto his back foot, slightly lowering his stance. 'No no no! I could never even begin to compare myself to a warrior bred warrior such as yourself. I'm just a lad riding the shinobi life on the old glories of my clan, I would never have a chance against you.' His grin revealed some teeth in the corner of his mouth and his eyes like rainbows in shape as they remained shut, a foxy look.

He returned to his full composure when Yozei began speaking, offering them a meal, which meant some sort of a restaurant, which meant some sorts of beverage, which meant his grade S mission assigned to him by himself might have just become much easier than he had originally believed. Hopefully he would manage to convince the other kids to forget about clan politics, and live in the moment, even if its for a few hours.

His right arm lifted, fist clenched, knuckles in a vertical position, thumb shooting up to point at the sky, arm directed at Yozei. 'Sounds good boss!' the youth exclaimed, suddenly bursting with energy.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by TyDie » Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:21 pm

Yozei's concerns actually caught Aiya a little off guard, a slightly shocked expression crossing her face. "Huh... Guess I hadn't really thought of it as disrespectful. Just, I really only have a couple of bruises y'know? Nothing serious. And given that my staff work is as intricate as it is, being slowed down by medications could do more harm than good. But, you make a good point. Maybe i'll fish the rest of my painkillers out of my trash can back at my room at the inn..." She smiled at Yozei as she finished, glad to see things from the perspective of a much more seasoned shinobi. "But as for the rest... Well, how does the saying go? 'I can sleep when I'm dead'? Yeah, I'm definitely one of those - If there's time to rest, there's time to get things done." She punctuated with a wink as she turned to walk down a different street then the other shinobi.

"As for the eats, I'll take a rain check on that. You can treat me if I win the tournament though, how does that sound?" She'd make a small giggle as she began walking away, turning after a few steps to face the group once more with a cheery grin on her face. "I'll look forward to seeing you guys in the stands during my next match! I'm off to train a few new moves before the next round, have fun Noeru! Eat a lot for me!" With that, she'd be off towards the outskirts of town to find a nice, empty spot with which to train herself in the use of her weapons.
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Sunagakure no SatoHenrin EmiGenin[color=darkgoldenrod][b][/b][/color]
Konohagakure no SatoIbakuro AiyaChuunin[color=#8CD600][/color]
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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:35 pm

Yozei noticed the significant difference in how the pair of Genin received criticism. Aiya quickly saw his perspective and better explained her own thoughts without dismissing his, while Noeru on the other hand shrugged him off and seemed rather cheeky about it. Despite being a skilled Special Jounin who had defeated Jounin on many occasions, fought multiple Kage and served as a Lieutenant in the Fire country military, leading a platoon throughout the war, he had never taken on a Genin team and had no intention of doing so. The last time he had led a Genin had been Haruka and they had both been captured by an S-rank Kirigakure shinobi, but even then he had managed to keep calm under pressure and get them both out alive. But what he couldn’t stand was naivety and insubordination. He didn’t want to have to baby kids and handhold them through things that should be common sense. Soon, he would be far from Konoha, ruling over a new region and acting as a prince of Fire country. He sighed, seeming tired but forcing a gentle smile upon his face. “At the end of the day you know your body best. As shinobi there will be times we have to push ourselves and take risks, but it’s always important to respect and listen to our elders. As Konoha shinobi it is our duty and our passion to protect the younger generations, but we can’t do that if you endanger yourselves needlessly. That’s all” he stated, his words directed more towards Noeru than Aiya but it was good advice to remember regardless.

To this Takeshi simply listened, soaking up his older brother’s words. He knew well the importance of learning all he could from his elders as well as when to bide his time and hold his tongue until he was in a position of authority himself. “Well said big-brother, you’ve become wise from your victories during the war” he stated calmly, with a gentle smile and a look of clear admiration for the brother he looked up to but still craved the attention of. Yozei’s face grew solemn, “I learned a lot about myself, about what I’m capable of and what I fight for” he admitted, he wasn’t proud of all of his actions during the war, but he had promised himself he would make it worth it. That he would give everything to serve his country, protect his family and ensure stability throughout the new regions, even if it cost him his own soul and he had to embrace the darker parts of himself to do so.

As Aiya began to walk off, Yozei looked back to her and called out. “You will win the tournament. You have to. Kiri has taken too much from us, they swept the last tournament, embarrassed us during the war, decimated our allied lands. We need this. We need to show them our strength, make the world acknowledge our unbreakable will. No matter what battles Konoha loses, what hardships we face we will always persevere. Our bonds are absolute and as long as Konoha stands, and our shinobi draw breath we will not be defeated.” He proclaimed, his cerulean blue eyes brimming with intensity. He was his father’s son, and he would do his part to lead and inspire others. A prince that fought on the front lines and was willing to sacrifice everything to protect his comrades. When she left, he would turn back to Noeru, waiting for him to decide where to eat and lead them there. He didn’t have much of a preference. Takeshi found himself gritting his teeth as he thought of what Kirigakure had done. He despised them with even more passion than Yozei, worse because he hadn’t even been able to participate in fighting them off and his grandfather had ended up dying for his sake protecting him. After eating he decided he wanted to train as well. He desperately needed to get stronger. There was no telling when his loved ones would be endangered next and he refused to let anyone die for him again.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:47 pm

After a brief moment Noeru returned to his normal stance as Aiya began talking to Yozei, in response to his concerns about their well-being. He nodded in agreement that using medication when one did not need it was a silly idea, especially if there was a possibility of adverse side-effects, and even let out a chuckle as he she went on about resting when she dead, it appeared that Aiya had some sort of a sense of humor, one of a must have character traits in Noerus eyes. But suddenly she began to walk off in a different direction. A opportunity that held so much promise to make the day entertaining might have just vanished. Convincing Aiya would have been easier than convincing the young, proud, Hyuuga; it was already very unlikely that he would join in anyway, but If Aiya did, they might have been able to convince him to partake.

Noeru smirked as she mentioned winning the tournament and being treated to a meal for it. 'Heh...So cocky.' With his hands in his pockets, Noeru watched the girl walk away, and at the mention of his name he replied; 'Will do.' A simple acknowledgement, right before the adult of the group began a speech of encouragement for Aiya, obviously having no interests in him. Not fazed by this, Noeru stood patiently in place, not a hundred percent sure how to respond, but luckily the man then turned to him, taking this opportunity to gesture in the direction of the little restaurant he spotted one his first day of arriving in this town. It was a small barbecue style restaurant, where one cooked their own meat on a round girdle. Some beef and chicken would be a perfect way to restore his energy; a plan already bloomed in his mind on how he was going to cook his beef, with a large amount of fat to give him the energy he needed, his insides began feeling fuzzy as his imagination took hold of his body.

But before he got carried away, he snapped back and returned to the present and he turned to Yozei, as there was something he wanted to know more about. It was brought up by the young Hyuuga, the mention of victories in the war, also wanted to know the intricacies of what happened when Kiri invaded the Land of Fire.

'So... You fought in the war?' The youth began the conversation simply, hoping that would be enough to get the conversation going on the right path as the strolled casually towards the restaurant.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:49 pm

As Aiya went off to train some more Yozei sighed, though he couldn’t help but smile. This new generation were such hard workers, they trained relentlessly and put their bodies through quite a bit of strain. Clearly, Noeru was the same way and even Takeshi had shown a certain kind of quiet determination and resolve. He knew his brother would become a powerful shinobi one day and certainly a much more deadly taijutsu fighter than himself. He was already nearly as physically strong as him despite appearing somewhat feminine due to clan standards of keeping long hair and wearing more eloquent clothing such as kimono and haori.

Yozei nodded as the Senju asked him about the war while they walked to the restaurant. “I did. I’m a Special Jounin but also served as a Lieutenant leading a regimen of Harukatsu pledged samurai. I was deployed to the south, Lava Island, Dunes, Dragon country and Dragon’s breath” he said simply. “It was different, serving with samurai instead of shinobi” he admitted. Options were more limited in many ways but Yozei’s artillery strikes with Katon and Doton were paramount in softening up defenses and creating chaos so the samurai could do what they did best, cutting down swaths of enemies with barrages of arrows and swift Katana slashes. Takeshi held the door open as the group entered the restaurant and soon they were seated. Naturally, they would order a large array of meats, primarily beef but some chicken, horse meat and even some eel as well and a healthy portion of rice and steamed vegetables. As was customary a grill was built into the center of the table so they could cook the meat themselves.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:31 pm

Noeru followed his companions in parallel, they took up most of the street, walking in a three. Noeru found his story about the war very interesting. Especially the part about commanding Samurai in different parts of the world. The world fascinated him; the different cultures, the different traditions; he found it all absolutely amazing how a short journey in any direction and the people could have a completely different way of life. ’The Harukatsu Samurai? Who are they? Are they any different from the normal Samurai? How did they fight? Did they use the classy Samurai style with the Katana?’ The questions piled up in his mind, and eventually, just like now, they would have to escape on way or another. He was a sponge for knowledge, he wanted as much as he could get. At the same time however, he did realise he could not overhwelm his companions too much in fear of scaring them off.

As the food began arriving, Noeru waited for his companions to have their share before he dug in. He as the one being treated to the meal and so it would be rude of him to dig in without letting his hosts take the pick of the food first. But once it as his go, he would go for the eel, with a fair portion of rice and a lot of steamed greens. Being as quick as a rabbit came at a cost of eating flavourless foods, and he hated his green. But great power calls for great sacrifice. He chucked the eel onto the grill in the middle of the table, into a nice little corner that he picked for himself, giving his two companions plenty of grill to their hearts desire. And as his eel grilled, he eagerly waited to hear more from Yozei.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:28 pm

Yozei sat next to the window, placing his pair of Katana upright against the corner of the booth while Takeshi laid his bow and quiver against the wall along the main walkway of the restaurant. Tea came first and naturally, Takeshi poured cups for his elders, hoping that his bow was out of the way enough. The auburn-haired prince chuckled as Noeru questioned who the Harukatsu were. “You don’t know?” he realized, bemused. “The Harukatsu are one of Fire countries two noble families, during the warring states period the Senju and Harukatsu were close allies. They fought against the Toshikane family and the Yamanaka and eventually created a truce which culminated in the creation of Konoha and from there other clans such as the Hyuuga joined the village. Even to this day your people and mine share strong ancestral ties…my mother is a Harukatsu” he explained, finally taking a deep sip of Tea, “Oh, this is good! I can see the best brewers from Tea country have brought their knowledge here” he exclaimed. He had worried that he wouldn’t taste such flavors again for some time. He had trained in Tea country and met samurai from those lands as well. Even if their lands were lost the people lived on here in Aroma country and so did their ways.

Takeshi enjoyed his tea as well and began placing pieces of beef and even horse meat first for him and his brother. There were a variety of sauces that were provided as well, from smoky to somewhat spicy though it was best to enjoy the meat as much as possible and not overpower the choice cuts with too much sauce. Most were already prepared in some kind of flavor anyway. “The samurai use Ki saber and archery mostly, isn’t that right?” Takeshi commented. “For the most part, yes. Though many trained with the samurai of Tea and learned Iaido and there are a few traditional Fire country styles that are still carried on among some older samurai families” Yozei explained, serving himself some rice and veggies as he began to pick off a few pieces of the rich sakura niku.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:58 pm

The youth bit his tongue as the man pointed out something he should already know. Wishing he had paid more attention at the academy history classes, he paid all the attention to Yozei. Having more regrets for the same reason in the future was simply not how he wanted things to play out. At the mention of him being partially a Harukatsu, another question arose in his mind with which he waited until they both finished speaking. Listening was never his strong point, he tended to get bored easily and get distracted by something that was more enjoyable. But in this situation he was all ears, finding out a lot about not only the Samurai, but the history of his clan, the Yamanaka, and two samurai families that fought alongside his own clan and that which opposed it back in the time of the warring states. Slightly upset about the fact of how much he had missed out by not paying attention at the academy, a little frown appeared on his face, trying his best to hide he decided to ask the question he was so interested in having answered.

’You just mentioned that you’re partially a Harukatsu… Does that mean you’re skilled in the way of the Samurai?’ The youth said patiently as he played around with the eel that was reaching it’s flipping time. One side was cooked just the way he liked it. A little more on the other side and it would be ready to chow down along with the rice and veggies. After the day he had so far, he could do with a good filling meal. Especially with the battles that were approaching, he needed as much energy as he could muster, to help him recover and remain prepared for the actual fights. Knowing these fights would not be easy, he was going to make the most of this food, even if at the end he had to contribute to covering the bill, especially that he now knew their families were allies for generations before they were even born; and he simply could not leave a bad impression on his generational comrade.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:53 am

Yozei poured a healthy dollop of soy sauce over his rice and steamed leafy greens, taking a healthy mouthful before pulling off several pieces of the cherry red meat. He savoured another deep sip of tea and then a full bit of meat. He chewed and swallowed. “I wouldn’t say I’m skilled, but I did train Iaido along with the men and I trained in more traditional fire country styles as a kid but unfortunately I fell out of practice. I’m thinking about reaching out to find a tutor again, it would be favorable to bring some traditional styles to Dragon province with me” he let slip, realizing what he said after a moment. He hadn’t told his siblings yet that he was being deployed again already. But this assignment was different than his role in the war, he wouldn’t be acting as a military leader but rather a political one, accepting an offer from the Harukatsu to assist in ruling over the region. “You’re leaving again” Takeshi looked up as he pulled off some pieces of beef and replaced them with some eel and chicken to cook. He felt betrayed, his elder brother that he looked up to for all his strength and confidence. He had been gone for nearly the entire war. It had only been a few months since he had been back. “Kaori and Hanako won’t forgive you” he muttered, speaking of their sisters.

“My Grandfather is offering to coronate me as a proper prince, the 6th prince of the Harukatsu family” he explained, he tried to sound sympathetic to Takeshi’s longing for a brother. But he wanted this so badly it hurt. To be fully accepted by both sides of his family, to no longer be considered a bastard. And his ambition. He had grown to like the power, the influence to secure a mighty Fire country empire. He could make a true difference in the world. Wanting to switch the subject and realizing the inappropriateness of having this conversation in front of a guest, Takeshi addressed Noeru. “What kind of ambitions do you have Noeru? Do you want to become a clan leader? You seem to be quite talented” he commented. It was his own ambition to be clan leader of the Hyuuga and whatever friendships he could make now that would help later would go a long way. Perhaps it was natural that children of the Hokage each had their longing to lead, it was as if it was in their blood, compelling them to reach some form of greatness.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:51 am

Noeru took mental notes of all the key bits of information Yozei passed on, especially Iaido - the fighting style of the samurai. Neoru did not know much about it, but has always been interested in the way Samurai did things, to say their life was different from the life of shinobi was to say the least. Their whole social system was different, although this was not as interesting to Noeru as their way of battle. He wanted to find out more about it, but that conversation came to a halt with the onset of awkwardness when Yozei had obviously said something his bother was not yet aware of.

Not sure how he should react when their exchange went on, the Senju began to look around the restaurant awkwardly, trying to find some sort of distraction or escape route. ’Under the table? Not that’s even more awkward… The youth thought as there did not seem to be an easy way out. So, he focussed on the grill infront of him; his eel was coming to fruition, having the beautiful golden-brown colour of being ready to eat. With the chopsticks in his right hand, he picked it off piece by piece and placed it on his plate the housed the little pot of soy sauce, and gently he dipped one side of it for a few seconds, to allow it to absorb some of the moisture and salt. He then tapped the excess off and chowed it down along with a healthy portion of rice and steamed veg - this was a good choice. But while Noeru was dealing with his food, he couldn’t help but also listen in to their conversation, it sounded like these two had a pretty big family, and the rest had no clue about Yozei leaving for the Dragon province either. It seemed like Takeshi was going to miss his older brother a great lot, Noeru let out a sigh filled with unease. Not having any siblings, he did not know what it felt like, but whenever his father went on long duration missions for the village, he felt great sorrow. In that way Noeru could relate to Takeshi.

A moment later, while Noeru was deep in thought about the situation, the conversation turned to him. A few seconds were needed for the Senju to find himself again. ’Uhh I’m not sure. I do enjoy fighting… but as your brother noticed I haven’t really got the knowledge needed to become a clan leader. I don’t think I could stand the whole politics of it. I’d. rather let someone else do that part, and I can focus on doing the things that have to get done, regardless of the consequences…’ Noeru took a deep breath and another mouthful of food before turning back to the two brother. ’What about you Takeshi? You obviously come from the right lot. You have the knowledge and probably the skill to do anything you want… Why do you want to lead your clan?’ Noeru hoped his words wouldn’t come across as offensive, historical knowledge was the only thing he lacked, he had very little idea about the traditions of other clans, all he could do is hope for the best.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:04 pm

Yozei smiled and looked at his brother and their new friend fondly. He would miss these times, sharing a meal with fellow Konoha shinobi. Being a part of a fighting force, a brother-in-arms. Soon he would be halfway around the world and living a completely different way of life. He had gotten quite accustomed to the culture of Konoha. With any luck he would still be able to visit every year or two. Enjoying his meal he continued to eat, getting his fill of the succulent meats and a healthy dose of veggies. ‘I wonder what kind of man he’ll be’ he considered, looking at the rather driven Hyuuga. Becoming a clan leader was a noble goal though given the tensions their family had with the Hyuuga it would be an uphill battle.

Takeshi enjoyed a few bites of the eel and chicken, taking the time to eat while Noeru answered his questions. Though his mood was rather soured by the upsetting news that his only brother would be leaving yet again, he was from a shinobi family. He knew not to ever get his expectations set too high. Duty and greatness was expected of them all. If he wanted to be acknowledged and to feel useful, he would simply have to become stronger. He nodded in agreement at some of Noeru’s sentiments. Swallowing his small bites and clearing his throat with a sip of tea before chiming in. “We all have a part to play and the village will always rely on those willing to do dirty work” he said simply. Truthfully Noeru didn’t seem like the type to get his hands too dirty, though appearances could be deceiving. The truth was Takeshi was quite prepared to embrace the darker side of the village's policies. There was no cost too great for his devotion to the village. And while he understood that Yozei was going to protect their nation in his own way, it was difficult for Takeshi to rationalize prioritizing some distant part of Fire country over protecting Konoha itself. The young man smiled curtly, “Truthfully, I wish to repair the rift between my parents and the Hyuuga clan. I believe it is important for Konoha to maintain a united front, internal pressures only make us more vulnerable” he recited. There was a little more to it than that, some personal bitterness and a grudge for the way the clan had treated his mother but ultimately, he was prepared to swallow his pride in order to achieve his goals.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Feb 06, 2022 2:48 pm

Noeru nodded to what the Hyuuga said about keeping a united front. ’I completely agree with that. If important members of the village are at each others throats, it doesn’t matter how skilled our military is… We will have countless losses if we were to suddenly become engaged in a serious conflict. That’s not something I would ant to see happen. Ever.’ Noeru took a little pause after speaking to get a little more of the goodies cooking up before him. The veggies, although not his favourite in general, were very tasty, especially with the eel. Taking the. Nicely trimmed fish and dunking it in a little bit of soy sauce, and following it up with a nice portion of rice.

This was one of the best restaurant sthe youth had ever been in, and was glad he bumped into this bunch. They were and interesting lot, especially the Hyuuga. It seemed was very immersed in his clans current affairs, more than could be said for Noeru. And that caught the young Senjus attention, he became curious about the ‘rift’ he had mentioned. So after freeing himself of the delicious food, pursued his curiosity.

’I know the answer will probably be no as it’s clan matters and you’re probably not allowed to talk about it… But what happened between your parents and the Hyuuga?’ Knowing that, he did not hold high hopes to hear any more of the inner goings-on of the Hyuuga, but it would definitely be interesting to hear what happened behinds the closed doors of other great clans of Konoha.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:46 pm

Yozei’s eyes narrowed as Takeshi spoke about being willing to do dirty work. That wasn’t the brother he knew, he was already changing, becoming colder. ‘Is this because of Grandpa’s death?’ he wondered. While Yozei had found his morals challenged during the war, he still tried to be noble, to take the high road. He despised himself for how the situation unfolded on Lava island, that an entire culture had been burned off the face of the earth. And he was responsible. To think that Takeshi might willingly do such things for the sake of the village didn’t sit well with him. As a young boy his little brother had always been the type to protect others but he never went out of his way to hurt or lie. Perhaps if Yozei had been home more he could have guided him better, helped him learn from his mistakes. At the very least he could have a talk with their father before departing for Dragon Province, and he was sure Kaori was still a balancing force. She still seemed to retain love and warmth in her heart, but he did wonder how she would deal with the pain and loss that began to accumulate.

Suddenly Yozei found his appetite waning. “Konoha shinobi share a special bond, our will of fire. I believe in our comradery, no matter our disagreements when the time comes to fight, we will always stand together as one” he believed resolutely as he placed a hand on his younger brother’s shoulders and looked into his eyes. No matter who he became they were family and he trusted in his heart, that he would keep the will of fire strong no matter his methods. Takeshi nodded in agreement to Noeru. The stronger Konoha’s bonds were the better they would fare; internal threats could be just as dangerous as external after all. There was a certain truth to his older brother's words to be sure. The doctrine of the Will of Fire was strong and he did trust in his comrades, would put his life on the line for them and knew the example his elders set. That they would protect anyone form the village as if they were family. But still, there were always traitors, some of Konoha’s strongest shinobi were former missing ninja and though they had been accepted in again Takeshi had to wonder if that was a mistake. He wasn’t sure he could ever trust someone that had turned their back on the village before, no matter what the reason. “I don’t think everyone shares the Will of Fire. Missing ninja shouldn’t be given a second chance” he stated firmly. "It's possible to lose your way but find yourself again if given the right support" Yozei countered, removing his hand and sighing. Takeshi was nearing his teenage years, of course he would develop some stubborn opinions. When asked about his parents Takeshi frowned, considering how much detail to go into. He was a rather private person by nature, and he couldn’t afford to have the Hyuuga clan aware of him speaking poorly of them in any fashion, even if it was only heresy. “My mother is Hyuuga Aina. If you don’t know her story it isn’t my place to tell it”, he said simply. He wouldn’t gossip about his own family. “As for our dad, even if he is the Hokage, the Hyuuga aren’t fond of clan members marrying outside the family” Yozei explained to which Takeshi shot him a look that perhaps he was overstepping. Not all clans were as traditional as the Hyuuga and their marriage policies, even restricting dating for fear of any mixed blood pregnancies and Takeo had gained a reputation for pushing that boundary, tempting many young Hyuuga women away from their family traditions. “I think I’m full” Takeshi said suddenly. “Thank you so much for the food big brother” he said, bowing his head slightly to Yozei as he tidied up his area and prepared to leave.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD

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Brotherly bonding

Post by hobnob » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:27 pm

Noeru watched the display of affection of the older brother towards the younger. Part of him wished he himself had such a bond. Unfortunately he was an only child and had never experienced having anyone else to look up other than his mother and father, who were mostly absent due to being always on missions for the village. A glimmer of sadness pumped through his body at the thought and his body language went from confident to a little reserved and his mind descended into a slightly anti-social mindset. As great as the food was, it was time to pack up and make a move back to the hotel.

With that train of thought Noeru listened to what the brothers said. He had never heard of anyone called Aina, but what Yozei had said made everything perfectly clear. Noery knew a little about the Hyuuga, but he did not know of their strict policies in preserving the bloodline and keeping it pure. And now that he did, he found it a little surprise that the arrangement was allowed to go ahead. He was glad it did, a Hyuuga who is open to views other than those of his clan is a blessing to the village.

Noeru helped Takeshi tidy up the table, it was time to thank the two for the opportunity to dine with them and it was time to make a move. Noeru stood up and bowed to them both, separately. ’Thank so much Yozei-Senpai. I wish you all the luck in the world on you mission to Dragons Breath, and all the success you can wish for. The youth then turned to the younger of the two, ’Hopefully I’ll see you around, Takeshi. the youth said and stood up straight. This was probably the last time he was going to see either of the brothers. Yozei going to another part of the world, and with the chuunin exams approaching it would be unlikely that he would see Takeshi before the exams had ended.
Senju, Noeru - Chuunin - A-Rank
Fukusha Kurai - Genin - D-Rank
Igarashi Ryoto - Genin - D Rank
Ikigai, Itoshii - Genin - D Rank - #C2B280

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Brotherly bonding

Post by Izanagi » Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:19 pm

Yozei waved over a server and collected the bill as his juniors tidied up the table. He paid a generous 30% tip. It was rare to tip in more traditional restaurants, but Aroma country was full of immigrants from Fire country allied nations. Even if it was just some civilian workers, he wanted to help support the people getting use to their new home. Collecting his pair of ornately designed katana he secured them at his hip as each of the shinobi stood and moved clear of the table. Takeshi too gathered his bow and quiver, securing them on his back. The handsome Special Jounin bowed shallowly, his mid-length auburn hair resting on his shoulder. In his fine silk attire, he looked more a noble than a shinobi, but he would always retain a special place in his heart for Konoha and those that fought for it. “I hope to see you again Noeru. If you ever travel to Fire countries southern lands seek me out and I will see you well taken care of” he assured.

Takeshi naturally bowed deeper than his brother, Noeru was older than him and a more experienced Genin, contending to advance his rank. He would show him due respect. “I’ll cheer for you in the exams. I hope we have the opportunity to train together sometime back in Konoha” he said with a soft smile. He would be training fervently himself, and he hoped to be able to catch up to those he had met. Aiya, Noeru and any others that were participating in the exams. They were only a year or two older than him, he was sure that he could bridge that gap within the next year but then it wasn’t like they would stop training either. With that the group would go their separate ways.

Natsuki Takeo - 17th Hokage, former Anbu Commander [DEAD]
Karagata Shinjiro - Kiri Bannin; Jinchuuriki, Overseer of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Kintsugi
Haziwara Youji- Iwagakure Special Jounin
Takeda Ichiro - A-Rank Waterfall Country; Black Wake, Chishiki, Setsuzoku
Hyuuga Takeshi - Konoha Special Jounin; Anbu
Jouchaku Shigeko - Kiri Genin; HHD


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