In the Hall of the Former Mountain King

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Das Kirb
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In the Hall of the Former Mountain King

Post by Das Kirb » Sat Jun 30, 2018 9:00 pm

A man sat upon his throne of stone, looking out at an empty room. Pitiless stone stared back at him. Only the clanking of his armor echoed through the hollow chambers. His breath came shakily through clenched teeth. Through thick beard tears rolled to pool upon uncaring rock.

Silence was broken by heavy steps and the clanking of steel. Fire crackled in the are, casting it's dancing light against cold earth."She called you a titan. I'd think such a creature above weeping." Koriastraz entered from the passage, his flail in hand and armor battered and black from ash.

The giant man looked at this creature through bloodshot eyes. His hand clenched and slacked upon the hilt of his hammer. "Aye she did, dragon. A name I grew fond of from the lass. Better than ye bastard least." He looked down. Never had he gotten along with this beast. A pup his daughter saved from a lake in his infancy, now bound to the form of man. Kori's suffering brought Hidetsuga secret joy. Force the lizard to learn humility.

"Beastia doesn't believe she's dead. True or not, your daughter is already on the hunt. Are we going to sit here doing nothing?" Kori said with obvious contempt. Hidetsuga's response was a look that set the dragon back a step. "Aye and we both bloody well know the lass won't come back with a thing ta show." He took a breath and looked back at the cold stones beneath his feet. "But. . . I canny deny the truth in yer words."

Kori took a few steps forward, extending a clawed hand. "These halls are no longer yours to rule, mercenary king. Kiri made damn sure of that. Least we can do is help her look. If Anori survived she'll need you too, as much as it disgusts me to say that."

Hide looked up at the reptilian face. Each ashen speck on his cheek shown bright against his orange glow. The fiery eyes masked none of his usual malice. Seeing the honesty behind them the titan took his hand and rose from his long dead throne. He took a step before looking back at the empty seat. Long had it been his kingdom among his crew. Good men and women who fought for the coin and the cause. He saw many marry, raise kin of their own in this very room. Now their bodies were scattered through the halls. His eyes went down to the helm at his hip as he unfastened it, placing it upon the barren throne. "I'm no king without my queen." With a final tear shed Bear, Titan, Hidetsuga, once again departed the halls of the Mountain King.


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